OK, so not so much the holiday - it's fun and I love chocolate, but it's too commercial. But there is something about Valentines decorations that I just love. I would never dream of wearing a red and pink combo, but there's something about it that I can't get enough of when I decorate for the holiday! I found
this pattern to crochet hearts, and I've been obsessed for the past week with making them. They are so simple! First, I made these strings of hearts to hang in our front window. I sewed crochet hearts back-to-back, and also hand-sewed and stuffed hearts out of felt to make them reversible, so they look good front and back. It was hard to take a picture of them in the window, but I did my best.

I wanted to make a runner for the coffee table, but wanted to do something different. I chose a traditional granny square, but with a twist - mitered! These were a lot of fun to make, but I hate weaving in the ends on something like this! I think it took me as long to weave in all the ends as it did to crochet a couple of the squares. After sewing the squares together, I did a border around the whole thing: one time around with single crochet, around again with half-double crochet, and then last a row of crab stitch. This was a new one for me (you crochet backwards!) but I love the way it turned out.

I thought I was done after that, but I felt like making more hearts, so I whipped up this garland in about an hour or so. I just can't stop making these hearts!